Sunday, October 6, 2024


More than two months ago, I took guidance from Air Supply and realized I was All Out of Love. Five times love happened. Five times it un-happened. I was done. I was ready to let go. All those songs about love could shift over to the meaningless category along with tunes like “Tubthumping,” “Barbie Girl” or even “Mary Had a Little Lamb.”


My thoughts on love have not changed. Done. In the past. It feels good to be single and free.


But there is an asterisk that belongs to that July blog post and it’s only become apparent this past week.


I’ll fall for a Swede.


The reason this became apparent this week is because I am in Sweden. It’s my fifth visit since 2017. There would have been more but COVID and one of those five past loves got in the way a few years. I have every intention of making this an annual trek. It would be even better if I could just stay. 


I mean that. I feel more at home in Stockholm than anywhere I’ve been. I have stopped seeing it as a tourist. When I visit, I go about my ordinary days, writing, walking, exercising, reading, musing. But “ordinary” here always seems to have an “extra” in front of it. My level of comfort and ease is exceptional. I didn’t know I could be myself this much.


It’s not something I can explain. It just is. Kinda like love. I know it when I’m in it. And I love being in Stockholm.


I also happen to find the men here exceptionally attractive. And aloof. I don’t think I have ever made eye contact with a Swedish man. They aren’t oglers. That’s why I can steal glances so frequently. 


I entertain myself by practicing my beginner’s Swedish in my head. 


“Du är min pojkvän.” (You are my boyfriend.)

“Du är min blivande man.” (You are my future husband.)


My mental messaging gets me nothing. Not even that coveted glance. 


Maybe that’s all it’ll take. Kismet. Same wavelength. Love at first sight. Why not? People speak of such things. 


Let a kind, funny, intelligent, handsome, stylish Swedish man be my asterisk. If that sounds like a lot, handsome and stylish are already in abundance among Swedish men so I tell myself the whole package isn’t such a stretch. 


I’m willing to meet anywhere and fall in love. My one condition is we settle in Sweden. Stockholm, if I may be so bold in the gentlest of ways. Like a true Swede. Or close. I’ll refine my understanding of that once I relocate.



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